I use this week’s column to introduce myself and my approach to the executive portfolio I have the absolute honour of heading up on your behalf.
The portfolio title is Economic Development, Sport, Leisure, and the Arts.
These form a three-legged stool with Business, Government and Community being the individual legs. With all three there is a strong ‘load bearing’ structure if one is missing or weaker it falls over.
Our mission is to nurture a great place to live, learn, work, grow and a great place to do business. All these strands support each other and in unison make Wokingham Borough our wonderful home.
In running my own business for over 45 years I have learned that business needs to become an integral part of its community to thrive. Without a thriving economy our community cannot be fully inclusive, and it requires a liberal society for capitalism to work for all.
I’ve also previously worked as a councillor within our local government for a good number of years. During this time, I rapidly gained the understanding that our local council is just one leg of the stool. It massively requires the support of business and community to stand strong. I am quickly gaining an understanding of the work that has been going on before I rejoined our council at the Election on May 2nd .
My responsibility is not only to build on this great work but to help enable a positive difference in all regards. For your information I highlight the specific responsibilities you have put your trust in me to take on.
- To oversee and develop the Economic Development Strategy and build good relationships with local businesses.
- To lead on Economic Prosperity
- To oversee the Leisure and Sports Development Strategies to maintain our Borough’s position as the Healthiest Local Authority
- To develop our Arts and Culture Strategy As we look at these responsibilities is obvious that a real positive difference will only be made with collaboration.
The collaborative momentum of Business Government and Community working together cannot be halted. I pledge my waking hours in doing my bit and reach out to you to help make that difference. I will keep you informed as we go but please do not hesitate to contact me directly with any comment help or feedback as we continue our journey as a borough. This to nurture a great place to live, learn, work, grow and A GREAT PLACE TO DO BUSINESS!