Ruscombe Neighbourhood Plan
The Liberal Democrat led Council Executive of Wokingham Borough Council has approved for a public referendum to be held on the Ruscombe Neighbourhood Plan.
Ruscombe Parish Council has developed a plan which sets out a vision and objectives for the future use of the area to help determine planning applications within Ruscombe Parish. The plan has a clear focus on maintaining the character and appearance of the area, and has identified local green spaces that the community wishes to protect from development.
Following consultation and independent examination, Wokingham Borough Council Executive have approved for a public vote to be held on the plan, at a referendum, likely on 7 December. If a simple majority vote in favour, the Neighbourhood Plan will become part of the development plan and used alongside Wokingham Borough Council’s local plans to guide decisions on planning applications. WBC looks forward to working with Ruscombe Parish Council as a key partner in delivering sustainable development for residents in the parish.
Executive Member for Planning and Local Plan, Cllr Lindsay Ferris, said:
“I am very pleased that we have the third Parish Council in the Borough, in a matter of months ready to go to a referendum, with their Neighbourhood Plan. This time it is Ruscombe Parish Council.
I applaud all the hard work that has been put in by the Parish Council, local residents and others to get to this stage.
This is a great way to ensure the local community has its views heard to ensure that any future development respects community green spaces and results in a sustainable future for the area.”
The Plan can be viewed here: