Wokingham Borough Council Puts Community Aspirations Ahead of Capital Receipts
Wokingham Borough Council Executive Committee agreed at its meeting on 28 September 2023 to withdraw promotion of a number of council owned assets from the local plan in order to promote their use for the community and other priorities. For example, it was agreed that Rooks Nest Farm would not be promoted for housing but should rather be used to deliver two much needed new schools for children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND), enabling them to be educated within the Borough. Additionally it would provide a location for the COVID Memorial Wood, which would provide expanded canopy cover to help the climate emergency objectives, as well as being a fitting memorial place for all those who lost loved ones in the pandemic.
In revising the promotion of council owned assets in the local plan, Wokingham Borough Council are showing that they are listening to the community and putting their wishes, as well as prioritising the needs of some of our most vulnerable residents ahead of maximising revenue from their assets.
Stephen Conway, Leader Wokingham Borough Council and Executive Member for Housing said, “ We aspire to make Wokingham Borough a great place to live, now and in the future. We want to ensure those most in need receive the help and facilities they need. By promoting these areas for community needs, we are fulfilling our vision for Wokingham and prioritising the wishes and needs of our community.”