Your Liberal Democrat councillors for Wokingham Without
Marc Brunel-Walker
I'm Marc Brunel-Walker, and I have lived in Wokingham Without for over 18 years with my family. We love our community and it's one of the main reasons I am standing in Wokingham Without – to keep this a fantastic place to live.
You may recognise my name as I was a Conservative Councillor in Bracknell Forest for 20 years but, like so many people I have talked to on the doorstep, I grew fed-up with this Conservative Government and its failure to listen to what real people actually care about.
I also run “We Love Crowthorne Village” on Facebook. If I am trusted with your vote in May, my priorities locally are to ensure that our community benefits from local development, which is something the local Conservatives failed to do with the £20m+ that came from Bewley Homes. I will ensure a bright future for Pinewood and speak-up for residents in Wokingham Without, ensuring our voices are heard as we continue to make Wokingham borough a great place to live.
Jordan Montgomery
Executive Member for Finance and Governance
I have lived within Wokingham Borough since I was 1, and in Wokingham Without for 17 years. It’s been a privilege to be your representative on Wokingham Borough Council - it’s very rewarding being able to help people with their concerns and to make a difference to our community. With your vote I can continue to put Wokingham Without first.