Maiden Erlegh & Whitegates Ward
There are two Liberal Democrat councillors in Maiden Erlegh and Whitegates ward.
Your Liberal Democrat Councillors for Maiden Erlegh & Whitegates
Your two Liberal Democrat councillors are:
- Stephen Newton
- Andy NG Siu-hong
Liberal Democrats working for you in Maiden Erlegh & Whitegates
Culver Lane
Since November, Councillor Steve Newton has been chasing investigations into the flooding in Culver Lane under the motorway and railway. Two investigations on site have shown this is very complicated but repairs are planned Councillor Stephen Newton says, “This section of Culver Lane is in poor condition and floods in heavy rain. I have been actively trying to sort out who is responsible. I am pleased to say officers at both Reading and Wokingham Borough Councils are now on the case.” Lib Dem campaigner Andy NG Siu-hong says "We will continue to monitor the situation until the relevant departments fully resolve the issue".
During the winter, the only cricket pitch in Earley has undergone a complete refurbishment and, despite some vandalism, it will be ready for early April when the cricket season starts.
Councillor Mike Smith says “Cricket is hugely popular and this is an important investment for Earley residents.”

Listening to you and taking action
Here are some of the many things that your Lib Dem councillors in Earley have taken action on because we listened to you:
• We raised your concerns about the illegal use of e-scooters, and the Local Police Area Commander has since announced a crackdown on them.
• We listened to your concerns about the need for roads to be maintained. You may have seen some of our new preventative maintenance measures and the very efficient “jetpatcher” at work.
• Besides our actions already taken to improve road safety outside schools, your Earley Lib Dem councillors are working with residents on further measures.
Improving road safety
Maiden Erlegh Councillors have improved safety around our schools over many years. Recently the road signage has been renewed outside Loddon School. Councillor Mike Smith says, “It is not just about introducing new protections, we have to maintain the existing ones, too.” The Lib Dem led Town Council has been investing in new facilities like this new roundabout at Meadow Park. Mike Smith, Steve Newton and Andy NG Siu-hong say, ”It is really important for great mental health that we provide stimulating play equipment for the children of Maiden Erlegh.”
New ward boundaries
Election boundaries are changing, with 18 new wards across Wokingham Borough, each represented by 3 councillors. As a part of this, we welcome residents who previously voted in Bulmershe & Whitegates ward to the new Maiden Erlegh & Whitegates ward.
Road safety around our schools
We're delighted to see the improvements to road safety around teh shops and Maiden Erlegh School's entry road. In addition to the introduction of a one way system and sinage for the car park, the main carriageway has been fully resurfaced, parking restrictions have been extended and all the road surface speed limit markings have been redone.
New facility for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
It is great to see that Wokingham Borough Council has given the go-ahead to the Maiden Erlegh Trust to convert the old Silverdale Centre to a new Special Educational Needs and Disabilities facility for 25 pupils. The will be a considerable help locally and wil help reduce Wokingham Borough Council's costs as the pupils won't have to travel out of the area for their specialist needs.
Earley railway footbridge
For some time we have been reporting on the poor state of the footbridge at Earley station that does over the railway and mortoway.
There was preiously a very expensive proposal to replace the bridge that would have resulted in the destruction of ancient woodland on both sides of the motorway, disturbed the ambience of the Earley Cemetery by building across it and would have removed almost all parking at the station. It would also not have provided any access to the London bound platform from the bridge.
The revised plan is to repair the bridge, giving it another 15 years of life and saving a huge amount of money that can be directed at other essential local projects such as affordable homes.
Despite untrue rumours that the footbridge will be closed, plans are in place to repair the section across the A3290 and replace both ramps completely. The preparation work is underway and, depending on Network Rail, the work will be undertaken in 2026. Councillor Mike Smith says, “I have been chasing this for four years so this is great news, as this is such an important link.” Lib Dems campaigner Andy NG Siu-hong says "We will work hard to improve road conditions in various places to help residents"

I can help deliver leaflets!
Our volunteer deliverers are the backbone of our campaign. Thank you if you can help!